Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
In honor of Women’s History Month in March and International Women’s Day on March 8, join the Women In Energy employee resource group (ERG) in celebration of our female colleagues, their achievements and other women who continue to inspire us.
“Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” is the theme for this year’s National Women’s History Month.
At Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, we continually promote equity, diversity and inclusion. We are committed to supporting and empowering women within and beyond our organization.
We recognize the diversity of our employees, their backgrounds, experiences and contributions to our Company and the community. By acknowledging and addressing biases and barriers, we can ensure equitable opportunities, inclusion and belonging for all employees to thrive.

“I have had the great honor of serving as the Executive Sponsor for the WIE ERG for several years. This privilege does not come from the ‘leadership’ or ‘sponsorship’ role that I play but rather because I am the one who benefits from watching women across the organization come together, support one another, brainstorm, and drive actions that inspire all. The WIE ERG focuses on women’s health and self-care ─ like February Heart Health month, where for example, there was a walking challenge. The ERG fosters education and inclusion through, for example, the book club, and also sponsors women keynote speakers who share their struggles, perspectives and journeys; women sharing with women, supporting each other, and learning from one another. Finally, the WIE ERG sponsors the Hidden Heroes program, a very successful initiative across the Company where we celebrate all who quietly, but markedly, have made a substantial impact across the Company. So, if I think about it from my CFO chair, the WIE ERG is all about celebrating and embracing our women employees. Bottom line, the roles they play in their personal families and in the Chesapeake family demonstrate that our women team members are truly ‘Hidden Heroes.’”
– Beth Cooper, Co-Executive Sponsor of Women in Energy; Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Assistant Corporate Secretary

“Growing up as an Army brat, it has always been easy for me to connect with people. However, I found it very difficult to form strong bonds outside of my department while working in a remote environment. This all changed when I expressed interest in being part of the Women In Energy ERG. I was immediately welcomed by this amazing group of women from all walks of life. Even during times when my to-do list felt daunting, I found myself peeking ahead on the calendar to see when our next meeting was scheduled and also found myself raising my hand to volunteer for more initiatives. I realized that I always left our steering committee meetings feeling more energized and connected. Looking back, my initial reason for joining the Women In Energy ERG was somewhat selfish – I wanted to have those bonds at work again. My reason for continuing to support this amazing group is so much more than that today. Every month I am inspired by this special group that finds creative ways to positively impact our special team here at Chesapeake Utilities.”
– Andrena Burd, Co-Executive Sponsor for Women in Energy and AVP, Risk Management

Women in Energy Employee Resource Group
The Women in Energy ERG supports the women of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation by providing a collective voice and focus on professional development. This ERG brings colleagues together to engage with one another and encourage the open exchange of ideas and experiences for the betterment of all.

To join Women in Energy as a member, ally or supporter, please contact Marie Kozel, chair, at [email protected].

In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, the Women in Energy ERG encourages you to attend an in-person or virtual Leadership Speaker Symposium.
We welcome guest speaker Representative Valerie Longhurst.
Friday, March 22 | Noon – 1 p.m. | Virtual or in-Person
North/South Conference Room 500
Energy Lane
Dover, Delaware
Representative Valerie J. Longhurst (D) is the first female Speaker of the House in Delaware. She was first elected to the Delaware House of Representatives in November 2004 to serve the 15th District. The district consists of approximately 20,000 people living in Bear, Delaware City and St. Georges, Delaware.
In 2008, Rep. Longhurst was elected as the House Majority Whip and served for four years. After the 2012 election, her caucus elected her as House Majority Leader. Rep. Longhurst is currently chair of the House Administration, Ethics and Rules committees. Rep. Longhurst has been a dedicated champion of women’s equality in the workplace, justice system and healthcare system. During the 148th General Assembly, she spearheaded a package of 14 bills to address real issues impacting women.
Rep. Longhurst led the charge in the 149th and 150th General Assemblies to pass an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to Delaware’s state Constitution, continuing the legacy of women across the nation who have fought for decades to enact a federal ERA.
Embracing New Chapters
The Women in Energy (WIE) ERG invites you to join the WIE Are on the Same Page Book Club. Book selections feature two good reads written by female authors that portray women’s history and uplift women’s voices.
Be part of the interactive conversation by registering on The Grove for the WIE Are on the Same Page discussion with team members about these inspiring stories. Read one or both book selections, and join the discussion on March 28.
Copies of the books are available for purchase on Amazon with Kindle and Audible versions also accessible. For those seeking free access, public libraries offer not only traditional hardcover and softcover books but also e-reader versions and audible options. We encourage you to explore the multitude of possibilities available at your local library.
If you have any questions, please email Women in Energy at [email protected]. Happy Reading!
The First Ladies
Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
This novel focuses on two different, yet equally remarkable and committed women, first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune. The story shares how their unlikely friendship helped form the foundation for the Civil Rights Movement.
A Woman of No Importance
Sonia Purnell
This biography of a little-known female hero shares the story of Victoria Hall, an American spy for the Allies in World War II. The book unveils Hall’s intelligence, bravery, perseverance and achievements that challenged the entrenched gender biases of her time.

Tribute to Trailblazers
Women’s History Month is an opportunity to honor the contributions and achievements of women who have inspired us.
Submit the name of your favorite female trailblazer, famous individual or someone close to you, and how you were inspired. All participants will be entered in a prize drawing for 5,000 Gratitude points ($50 value).
Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2024.

Strike the #InspireInclusion Pose
International Women’s Day is recognized on Wednesday, March 8. The 2024 theme is Inspire Inclusion.

At Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, we actively embrace a diversity of people and ideas through awareness, collaboration and social engagement across the Company. When we truly value our differences, inclusion is inherent.
Inspire others to promote an inclusive workplace and strengthen a sense of belonging that ensures women, and all team members, are welcome, respected and empowered to thrive.
Strike your #InspireInclusion pose by joining your hands to form a heart.
Capture a photo of your pose. Submit the photo to be entered into a prize drawing for 5,000 Gratitude points ($50 value).
Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2024.

“When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment.”
– www.internationalwomensday.com
Chesapeake Total Wellness: Women’s Health
Check Your Numbers
Knowing your health numbers is a smart start to prioritizing your health and well-being. Your numbers will help you and your doctor determine risk factors and mark your progress toward a healthier you.
Visit the Chesapeake Total Wellness program at www.cpkwell.com to learn more about women’s health and healthy habits.

Join an Employee Resource Group!
Our team values the strength of differences. This cultivates inclusion and drives innovation and creativity. Employee resource groups (ERG) enable team members to share perspectives and experiences, advocate for common interests and provide recommendations that support key business objectives. They are a great place to build skills through leadership opportunities, training and community outreach.

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